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Accepting a Request

Watch the Video Tutorial:


  1. From the Mobile Dashboard, tap Pending Requests.
  2. On the Pending Requests screen, locate the request you're ready to accept, then tap it to open Request Details.



  1. On the Request Details screen, tap Accept to accept the request and open it as a new work order. *Note: You can also choose to reject the request from the Request Details screen. Tap Reject and add a note explaining the reason for the rejection in the Rejection Reason field, then tap Save.



  1. On the Work Order screen, locate the fields for Priority, Source of Work, Category, and Subcategory. These fields must be completed before you can save the work order.
    1. Tap the Priority field to open the Priority pick list.
    2. Tap an option to choose the priority for the work order.
    3. Tap Done to add this to the work order. Repeat this procedure for Source of Work, Category, and Subcategory.
  2. Tap Back to return to Pending Requests.
  3. When you've made all the required choices, tap Save.